Saturday, April 2, 2011

Making a Difference

Sometimes, like everyone else, I get fed up and frustrated.  At those times it's good to get away and perhaps look back at what you are doing with fresh eyes and a different perspective.  Last weekend at the ECIS IT Conference was one of those times.  I love presenting - preparing for what I'm going to say makes me think really hard about what I'm doing and why.   And of course it's great to have so many people affirming that I'm on the right path, moving in the right direction and doing good things.  On the way back from the conference I had many hours on the train to reflect on this and why I was feeling so good.  I realised it came from a sense of feeling valued by people that I respect.  I did my best to hang onto that feeling for the whole of the week.

This morning I was sent a video by my son.  It's all about adapting and changing to fit into the place around you whilst still achieving the goals you have set out.  Because this is a true story and set in Thailand, where we lived for 4 years, I can see why he thought it would be something for me.

One of the most rewarding aspects of being a teacher is making a difference in the lives of the students. One of my challenges over the past 18 months has been inspiring our teachers to think differently too - about technology and how it can be used to transform learning.  While I am still frustrated by the "big picture", the lack of a school-wide vision, I know I need to celebrate all the small steps we are making.  I love working with our teachers and I love the way they are taking on new ideas all the time.  A little can still create positive changes.

I like the message behind this video:  if you think you can make a difference - you can.


  1. Wow! What an inspiring post Maggie--with excellent points. I think it is important to remember that just like adults, our students also benefit from the validation and sense of worth that is a result of having their work valued and respected. The video is fantastic! I look forward to sharing that with our staff and students. Thank you for posting!

  2. this is lovely. thank you so much for sharing..

    you can.
    we can.
    we will.


  3. Beautiful! Thank you so much for reminding us all why what we do matters!
