Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Meeting the New Millennium: 3 TED Talks for Tech Savvy Teachers

A guest post by Lauren Bailey

If you are involved in education in any capacity, you have most likely already observed the drastic changes technology is making to the way we learn and the way schools are run. Now, many current TED talks are focusing on this same issue and beginning to piece together a new way to look at our model of education in the modern world. With the use of technology, not only have huge changes already been made, but many more are sure to come that will further challenge and enhance the world of education as we know it. Here are some of the most interesting TED talks for teachers who love technology, and anyone interested in a different model for future education:

This talk features Salman Khan, a man who started uploading math tutorials to YouTube in 2004. By 2010, he had posted over 2,000 tutorials online in everything from basic addition to biology, physics, chemistry and advanced calculus. He has also founded the online Khan Academy, which is a non-profit dedicated to sharing world-class education with anyone across the globe. The academy is made up of self-paced software and it receives over 1 million unique students every month. In this talk, Khan discusses his decision to start the academy and the possibilities of modeling this form of education in the public school system.

Sugatu Mitra presents this talk on an education model that focuses on the real ways children learn. Eschewing the typical design of most public school systems, Mitra started an experiment by providing children across the globe with access to computers and the internet. Children from Italy to South Africa and New Delhi were able to learn huge amounts of information, totally on their own, without the guidance of a teacher or any formal text. Mitra makes an argument for an educations stem that allows children to learn by following their own motivations and by teaching and learning from one another.

This talk is given by Sir Ken Robinson, a writer, researcher and education expert focusing on education for a new stage of humanity. Robinson’s research has led him to conclude that the school system as we know it is “educating people out of their creativity.” Students are typically punished for restlessness and curiosity and are educated based on a 1700’s model of creation of a working class. Arguing here that the education system as we know it is educating children to become good workers, rather than enhancing their creativity, he discusses the different ways that changes could be made to better enable today’s students to contribute to society and do amazing things.

Lauren Bailey is a freelance blogger who loves writing about education, new technology, lifestyle and health. As an education writer, she works to research and provide sound online education advice and welcomes comments and questions via email at blauren 99 @gmail.com.

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